How-To Trouble Shooting Davis WeatherLink Communication Errors

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Trouble Shoot Davis WeatherLink Errors

Davis Vantage Pro2, WeatherLink, PageAire Pro

So, you start your PageAire Pro™ application, Click on "Start" and you get the dreaded error message that it cannot communicate with the Davis Vantage Pro2 console. The first thing you should do is to reboot your Davis console and WeatherLink data logger.

Reboot Davis Console and WeatherLink Data Logger
1. Disconnect power to the Davis console. Remove the a/c cord, and one of the batteries. The console should completely power off.

2. Remove the data logger from the expansion port (you may need a pair of pliers).

3. Wait about 2 minutes. While you're waiting, check the pins in the expansion port for bends, breaks, etc.

4. Put the data logger back into the expansion port. Be sure it's seated in the port firmly.

5. Then, restore power to the console. Listen for three (3) beeps. The third beep is the console recognizing the data logger. After it boots up, it will settle on the initial setup screen.

6. Push the 'BAR' button. The next screen displays the Serial Baud Rate. It should be set to 19200. If it says anything else, push the + sign to set it to 19200.

7. Then push and hold the 'DONE' button to get it back to the main display screen. If all goes well both the console and the data logger are now okay.

Set Serial Com Port
1. If you have the UHF Paging System, temporarily unplug the transmitter USB to Serial cable from the computer USB port.

2. Start the PageAire Pro application and Click on "Interface Setup" and then Click on "Com Port". The window that opens displays all of the currently available Com ports.

3. The Davis data logger will show up as "Silicon Laboratories COM #) if you have the USB data logger or "Prolific USB to Serial COM #) if you have the older Serial data logger. Click on the one that is shown.

4. If you have the UHF Paging System, now plug that cable back in and Click on "Pager Setup" and then Click on "Com Port". Click on the new port that appears. It will be a Prolific device.

5. If you're not seeing these ports, the drivers for those devices are not installed.

Please Note: In Windows 10, Microsoft is no longer supporting the old Prolific PL-2303 HXA USB to Serial Adapters. Those units have reached their "End Of Life" and have been replaced by the new Prolific PL-2303 HXD adapters. This is causing users to have to purchase new "Windows 10 compatible" adapters.

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